If you're someone that likes dirty humor with a twisted point of view, then this is the app for you. Dirty Birdie is our fresh new game, and if you like the naughty humor of Evil Apples, then get ready for more of the same!
The challenge here is to find the answer to the dirty question or riddle, but you'll have to work a little. Use the letters in the word bank to build a two-word rhyming phrase and if you're too dumb to figure it out on your own, there are other ways. The questions might be too tough for you, but hit the button at the bottom to get a clue. When you finally figure out the answer that's right, move on to the next one, and keep going all night! With hundreds of levels, and more being added all the time, you'll never run out of fun and dirty rhymes!
Check out these features guaranteed to blow your mind out your backside:
- A collection of puzzles that never stops growing
- Timed challenges to get your blood flowing
- Hints that keep the good times going
Whether you're going out for drinks or staying in because you don't have a friend, bring this game along, and the fun will never end!
The company that made this great game isn't just a bunch of Joe Schmos, this comes from the mad geniuses over at Evil Studios. They've got talents and skills of all kinds, and are the same team behind hits like Evil Apples and Evil Minds. Combining their twisted sense of humor with this addictive game play promises an app that you won't be able to put away!
Jika Anda seseorang yang suka humor kotor dengan titik bengkok pandang, maka ini adalah aplikasi untuk Anda. Kotor Birdie adalah permainan segar baru kami, dan jika Anda suka humor nakal Apel Evil, kemudian bersiap-siap untuk lebih sama!
Tantangan di sini adalah untuk menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan yang kotor atau teka-teki, tapi Anda harus bekerja sedikit. Gunakan huruf di bank kata untuk membangun frase berima dua-kata dan jika Anda terlalu bodoh untuk mencari tahu sendiri, ada cara lain. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan mungkin terlalu sulit bagi Anda, tapi menekan tombol di bagian bawah untuk mendapatkan petunjuk. Ketika akhirnya Anda mengerti jawaban yang tepat, pindah ke yang berikutnya, dan terus sepanjang malam! Dengan ratusan tingkat, dan lebih yang ditambahkan setiap saat, Anda tidak akan pernah kehabisan menyenangkan dan sajak kotor!
Periksa fitur ini dijamin untuk meniup pikiran Anda keluar belakang Anda:
- Sebuah koleksi teka-teki yang tidak pernah berhenti tumbuh
- Jangka waktu tantangan untuk mendapatkan darah Anda mengalir
- Petunjuk yang menjaga waktu yang baik akan
Apakah Anda akan keluar untuk minuman atau tinggal di karena Anda tidak memiliki teman, membawa game ini bersama, dan menyenangkan tidak akan pernah berakhir!
Perusahaan yang membuat permainan besar ini bukan hanya sekelompok Joe Schmos, ini berasal dari jenius gila atas di Jahat Studios. Mereka punya bakat dan keterampilan dari segala jenis, dan tim yang sama di belakang hit seperti Apel Jahat dan Pikiran jahat. Menggabungkan rasa memutar humor dengan bermain game adiktif ini menjanjikan sebuah aplikasi yang Anda tidak akan dapat menyingkirkan!
If you're someone that likes dirty humor with a twisted point of view, then this is the app for you. Dirty Birdie is our fresh new game, and if you like the naughty humor of Evil Apples, then get ready for more of the same!
The challenge here is to find the answer to the dirty question or riddle, but you'll have to work a little. Use the letters in the word bank to build a two-word rhyming phrase and if you're too dumb to figure it out on your own, there are other ways. The questions might be too tough for you, but hit the button at the bottom to get a clue. When you finally figure out the answer that's right, move on to the next one, and keep going all night! With hundreds of levels, and more being added all the time, you'll never run out of fun and dirty rhymes!
Check out these features guaranteed to blow your mind out your backside:
- A collection of puzzles that never stops growing
- Timed challenges to get your blood flowing
- Hints that keep the good times going
Whether you're going out for drinks or staying in because you don't have a friend, bring this game along, and the fun will never end!
The company that made this great game isn't just a bunch of Joe Schmos, this comes from the mad geniuses over at Evil Studios. They've got talents and skills of all kinds, and are the same team behind hits like Evil Apples and Evil Minds. Combining their twisted sense of humor with this addictive game play promises an app that you won't be able to put away!